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7、第 7 章 ...

  •   The day on the end of that month was spring festival, a very important day in china, but Cynthia has it by herself, she stayed in her little room she rented in ,

      It was a little cold in the deep winter, Cynthia imagined she was in the snow world, it was very crowd in the street, people were busy purchasing foods, new clothes and presents for the spring festival.

      Though surrounded by the crowd, Cynthia felt very lonely, She was always be so lonely, never cared by somebody, or care for somebody. But she felt she was fairly free, free but lonely.

      Compared to the crowd people busying with purchasing and preparing for the Festival, she was rather absentminded, linger in the streets with no destination.

      Passed by a candy shop, she was fascinated by kinds of beautiful candies, perhaps spring festival with lovely candies would be a good idea, but the price blocked further step, she need to collect money for tuition of next term, beautiful clothes in shop window always became luxury dream.

      she could not compare with those fortunate girl, no friend, no relative, even no one accompany in her little rented room will be all she got in her spring festival.

      Walking absentmindedly, she didn\\\'t know when she was striding in a stone road lead to the hilltop.

      But it\\\'s never mind, she rather enjoyed the landscape by the hillside, it was in the deep winter, but no one would felt it there, it\\\'s like spring. It’s leisure to linger on the hill, she could find her way home back when she felt she got tired.

      A beautiful red maple leaf dropped on her hand, she was she was in a maple forest, the maple leaves were as red as fire, very beautiful. It was fairly a surprise to her, she was amazed to stand there and seeing the red leaves falling down on her.

      The stone road lead to a beautiful white villa on the mountaintop, she could see it vaguely, built by pure white marble, old roman style architecture. Very lovely, like a white cloud on the hilltop, decorate the landscape,

      She find it was became dark when she return mind, just intend to go home, she heard brake of car, a white BMW stopped by her side.

      Lance! How could it be him!

      He was so handsome in his grey leisure suit, different from the kind she saw everyday work, he seemed warmer today, she saw a faint smile appear on his lips. he was mild and so breath taking.

      Cynthia felt her heart beat so hard and so fast.

      \\\"Why are you here?\\\" lance asked still with his breath-taking smile on his lips.

      \\\"I just have a walk, and find myself here in the wood. it\\\'s very beautiful, isn’t?\\\"

      \\\"Linger by the night before spring festival? Why don\\\'t you stay with your relatives, your pap, you mom, your brother and sisters?

      Cynthia low down her head, she felt she couldn\\\'t control her tears drop down from her eyes, and her heart was aching to stop beating. She thought she had been used to the loneliness she had suffered all along, but when he asked so gently, all her grievance flooded.

      Lance didn\\\'t ask more, just drive her to the mountaintop without say any word in their way,

      Stopped at the beautiful white roman style villa on the mountaintop, she was amazed to find lance lived there.

      \\\"Do you come here everyday? It’s so unbelievable.\\\"

      \\\"I only live here on the weekend, I have a department in the urban and live there.\\\"

      \\\"But it\\\'s wonderful!

      \\\"You like it?\\\"


      \\\"Would you like to share the spring festival here with me?\\\"

      \\\"Really?\\\" she felt she must not be so senseless, \\\"but don\\\'t your parents, you sibling mind it. Anyway it\\\'s a festival for the whole family, you needn\\\'t pity me,\\\"

      \\\"Like you, I have none of them.\\\"

      \\\"I heard you have a grandfather.\\\" Cynthia felt regret when the words flip out.
      \\\"He lived in Los Angeles.\\\"

      he didn\\\'t want to say more about his grandfather.
note 作者有话说
第7章 第 7 章

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