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3、第 3 章 ...

  •   He didn’t seemed like easy to got on with, could easily froze her.

      It is determined every action regarding him should be carefully dealt with, every step would annoyed him, for he was said to be a man with rather bad temper.

      She didn’t understand why they all want to get near to him that was the feeling she got when she waited for her interview in the big hall with so many girls. To such a man, she would rather slip aside.

      She was very careful in the following days, whenever to report the data or hand in the files, she rechecked it to avoid happen of any mistake.

      But the very thing she was afraid of happened in Friday’s afternoon when she was prepared to do up to close the whole day’s work. The general manager asked her to come to the inner room of the office. He was nearly roaring at her from inner door, the voice present his fury.

      The blood got on her head, she was very afraid, but she knew she must face it. She knew it would come sooner or later, but it came so quickly.

      “You should present the data for the conference on my desk before 3:00pm, but where is it. You nearly spoiled the conference! How could you? Do you want to be fired?”

      The data for the conference, she had prepared it for a whole morning, placed it on his desk at 1:00 when they were all having their lunch.

      Why he said he hasn’t seen it till now? She was puzzled, but she dropped her head and didn’t say a word cause he know it’s no use whatever she said.

      She didn’t go home off work, stayed in office and reprint the data and the report.

      It was 7:30; the dim light from the general manager’s office still on, she was not the only one stay in company over work time.

      Had knew the importance of the report, he knocked at the door of his office.

      “Come in” from the deep voice, it seemed he knew who knocked the door.

      His annoyed appearance didn’t change, he was still angry with her.

      She presented the data and the report to him.
      But his appearance didn’t turn any better, looked more annoyed.
      She didn’t say a word, waiting for his roaring at her.

      “You had placed the data on my desk, why you didn’t say it out when I asked you came to my office this evening?”

      She was surprised, she knew Lance would blame her, but she didn’t know he would blame her for this. He had got the data he wants? If it’s true, why he was still so annoyed?

      “What do you want to present to me this time?”
      “Nothing, if you had got it, it’s no use.”

      Lance took over the papers and found it’s the data he required, he had blamed her for he thought she didn’t finish her work, but he find it was under the files he put there after lunch, he was the one who made mistake and shouted at her angrily, but she said nothing and reprint it to him, it made him more angry, she shouldn’t stoop to compromise like this,

      “Next time, if it isn’t your fault, you should speak it out, understand.”
      “I will.”

      It really funny, lance was angry for she didn’t reason with him, he’s so angry for this? Is this they way he showed his concern for her? But in such a way! He is so special.
note 作者有话说
第3章 第 3 章

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